Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Michelle Obama’s plan to fight teenage obesity with “Let’s Move”

Let's Move

Michelle Obama recently announced her plan to fight the growing epidemic of teenage obesity.  Her plan is to reshape how teens eat, move and live by working with school cafeterias, eliminating “food deserts” and encouraging active lifestyle.

            The problem with teenage obesity has become such an obvious problem now that one in every three children is obese.  It is so apparent that the government, and more specifically the president’s wife is getting involved.  I think that the fact that the first lady is taking a stand to reduce and prevent teenage obesity says a lot in itself.  Not only is teenage obesity an issue that is being dealt with in the community or school system, but is now being brought to the nation’s attention. 

            It could be a huge turning point now that someone with such power and resources is getting involved.  Michelle Obama with a sturdy effective plan could definitely change how our children are brought up and taught healthy lifestyles to prevent growth in the problem. 

            It is so crucial that Michelle Obama has school system’s cafeterias as one of her main improvements in her plan.  If children and teens are supplied with more healthy alternatives and unhealthy choices are taken away then there will be an obvious correlation to lowering levels of obesity.  Teens won’t have any other choice but to eat what is healthy for them. 

            However, is having someone change the menu in a cafeteria, or encourage kids to be active really going to change anything? Can someone really force an individual to eat right and exercise or can they just encourage.  And will encouragement make a difference or will young individuals still eat and do whatever they like just as they already are?  This may be more of an individual problem that really cannot be changed by external or governmental forces.  Hopefully Michelle Obama will be able to shape a nation in which will teach and guide future generations to eat, move and live healthier lives.  

Monday, March 15, 2010

Surroundings Contributing to teen obesity?

Surroundings Contribute to teen obesity

This article in USA today addresses the possible environmental factors that are influencing teen obesity such as sedentary activities, ‘food deserts’, unhealthy school food choices and television commercials. 

            However, the article never addresses the teenager’s individual responsibility of taking care of his or her own health.  Teenage obesity is largely influenced by the environment that surrounds them including their community, home and family situations.  There are so many factors that have to be considered when trying to solve the problem with obesity.  Not only do you have to improve the environment that surrounds the teenagers, but health education and promotion needs to be dealt with on the individual level. Teenagers have the choice when they see Hardees commercials as of whether to eat a burger or maybe try a healthier alternative like fruits and vegetables.  Even if you provide teens with the resources for a healthy lifestyle, if they are set on eating and living a certain lifestyle then they will still search out their old ways.  You cannot completely blame the environment for individual’s actions. It is still up to the teens to use their resources and change their old ways so they can turn their life around.  

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Half Ton Teen

Half Ton Teen
Half Ton Teen is a new show being aired on TLC.  The camera goes into the day and life of obese teenagers to show what may being causing them to be the weight that they are. 

            This is yet another television show focused on teenage obesity.  Which is interesting because television shows about obesity in turn are encouraging a sedentary lifestyle, further influencing the bad life-style choices of teens at home.  As teenagers are sitting at home watching others lives and obesity problem they too are developing some of the exact same habits. 

            This particular episode was about a certain young man and his mother.  It is a constant pattern that obese parents end up passing on their lifestyle choice onto their children and they therefore become obese as well.  Parenting has such a strong correlation to how children and teens treat food, physical activity, and weight.  Many teens and children are obese from the connection of their parents giving them anything and everything that they want without standing up to them and encouraging healthier alternatives. 

            Our teenage obesity problem is going to have to be tackled from many different angles but especially from the aspect of parenting and starting in the home.  Healthy lifestyle choices such as eating habits and regular exercise need to be instilled in children and teens just like honesty, responsibility and integrity.  

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Racheal Ray's Show- Inspiring story of teens who lost 3,000 lbs

Rachael Ray Show

Rachael Ray hosted a show where she brought in guest from the Wellspring Academy in Reedley, CA.  This is a live-away weight loss school for kids.  She had a select few teenagers talk about their experience and the overall problem with teenage obesity in our country. 

            With teenage obesity skyrocketing and more and more health and weight related problems arising, it is coming to the attention of the general public.  Now many talk-shows are hosting obese teens, those who have overcome obesity, or even health professionals to talk about the issue. 

            It is interesting that the Rachael Ray show invited a group of teens to talk about their massive weight-loss when it is suppose to be a cooking show.  With the time and channel that the show airs on it is not likely that many obese teens were actually watching.  The general audiences for the Rachael Ray Show is stay at home moms looking for healthy quick recipes.  Most of the people watching are interested in eating a healthy meal instead of going out and grabbing a cheeseburger at the closest fast-food restaurant. 

            There is a method to the why these talk shows are incorporating the issue of teenage obesity.  In order to prevent and start working on the problem you have to start in the home, with the parents.  If parents become aware of the problem, what is potentially causing it and how they may influence their child’s weight then they may be able to help.  Parents can play a huge factor into the teenage obesity crisis.  With having guest speakers on mid-day talk shows such as Rachael Ray, moms can become more aware of the issue and how they can help while also learning new healthy alternative recipes.  Killing two birds with one stone.