Saturday, March 6, 2010

Half Ton Teen

Half Ton Teen
Half Ton Teen is a new show being aired on TLC.  The camera goes into the day and life of obese teenagers to show what may being causing them to be the weight that they are. 

            This is yet another television show focused on teenage obesity.  Which is interesting because television shows about obesity in turn are encouraging a sedentary lifestyle, further influencing the bad life-style choices of teens at home.  As teenagers are sitting at home watching others lives and obesity problem they too are developing some of the exact same habits. 

            This particular episode was about a certain young man and his mother.  It is a constant pattern that obese parents end up passing on their lifestyle choice onto their children and they therefore become obese as well.  Parenting has such a strong correlation to how children and teens treat food, physical activity, and weight.  Many teens and children are obese from the connection of their parents giving them anything and everything that they want without standing up to them and encouraging healthier alternatives. 

            Our teenage obesity problem is going to have to be tackled from many different angles but especially from the aspect of parenting and starting in the home.  Healthy lifestyle choices such as eating habits and regular exercise need to be instilled in children and teens just like honesty, responsibility and integrity.  

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